
shadoworket 节点

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Investing in Sewanee's in Pre-Health Programs The Hippocrates
Helping to build great lives The Adams Scholarship
Making Students "Job Ready" Tonya Internships
A Lasting Impact The Sisson Fund
A gift of rare books from Dan Boeckman, C'83, celebrates the rich tradition of Southern writers Literary Present
Support for Students 手机youtube免翻
Support for
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shadoworket 节点

We seek to provide more competitive financial aid and improve career-building opportunities to create a diverse community of academic excellence that will prepare our student for success.

Support for Students

shadoworket 节点

We seek to attract and retain celebrated teacher-scholars, building a faculty whose commitment to teaching is matched only by its passion for creating knowledge through research and scholarship completed in collaboration with students and teaching in programs that speak to the challenges of today and tomorrow.

Support for Faculty

shadoworket 节点

We seek to foster a community of honorable student-citizens, healthy in both body and mind, set in an enduring, sustainable environment that is deliberately built and maintained and hospitable to all.

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